Monday, December 29, 2008

mood: the myths drift like kites
music: air fountain, wool strings

"Life on this knuckle of cliff is lived at the edge of time. The village, strung along taut fingers of rugged hillside, has long since turned its back on England to reach for the elements, each small home defiantly lit at night against danger, pressing against its neighbour to gain a view of the sea's parade. And all around this stubbornness, the sea extends itself, connected and absolute. Rocked by the wind's uncertainty, lichen from overhanging rock hovers over a million conversations of water. But for all its force, no gale disturbs the salt-starched bushes further up the cliff, pillars of longing and regret, their windblown heads forever looking back toward the mainland of their home."

Rachel Manley, Horses in Her Hair

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