Saturday, September 6, 2008

peach-marzipan mornings & opera cakes for dinner

mood: over-abundance
music: in our blood, horse feathers

curled up words for new lives in old places, all our half-built half-printed half-secret projects. we are busy finding places in which to place our sweetness. last night, we were a quiet circle with champagne or cigarettes, misting street-lamps on a shared patio. ('it is just like miranda july's story,' says h.) three dinners on the stovetop, we eat before-school breakfasts together on the back-porch. apple cider & scorching-sweet honeydew when we get coffee-shop caught during wednesday's downpour. market meandering, midnight concerting, housewarming. an all alone ferry-ride & blackberries in the darkness. everything is brimming, everything at peace.

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