Thursday, April 10, 2008

mirror images: a potrait of ea

song: private lawns, angus & julia stone
mood: a case of the copycat sillies

here's a new photograph from andrea's visit with me in halifax.
it was not taken in a museum house in darmouth. aug '07

i bought a new journal (hardcover moleskine), because i was growing apathetic and heart-weary with the old. sometimes, i think rebeginnings shouldn't come so easy.

i'm in the library, working on my second to last paper, stealthily eating an orange & squares of dark chocolate. overwhelmingly, i have the feeling i'm being watched.

n. has revealed the recipe for 'secret' espresso. yesterday, m. and i drank small & perfect cups before we went to study. if you can find me, i'll make some for you.

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