Wednesday, January 9, 2008

sunday brunches; monday classes

music: a poem on the underground wall, simon & garfunkel
mood: weakening, resolved

in my first new class, french cinema i, we started by putting out the lights. i could not see the pages to write & it was good to sit without my constant taking note. we watched all the 'freres lumieres' films. this is my favourite.

in canadian literature, we are studying imagisme. pratt & pound & words, complete.

in a station of the metro
ezra pound

the apparition of these faces in a crowd,
petals on a wet, black bough.

also, this story breaks my sometime heart.

1 comment:

fingerprints said...

hello julia!

my uncle quoted that pound almost-haiku to me as advice for my own writing. i feel as though my words are often strained, borrowed fiction as well, but it feels nice to be forming something concrete from all these vague & poetic cravings, doesn't it?

re: your winter reads, i must put the one by walt whitman on my reading list before i begin my internship at shakespeare & co. (!!! i am ever-so excited.)

i liked those photographs of your family - you all look so much alike.

did you get my letter? the envelope was a folded-up page from vogue, of parisien cafe life, so the post-office may not have deemed it as legible post.

x&o, harriet