Thursday, December 20, 2007

music: rhineland (heartland), beirut
mood: happenstance

there are oceans of land on one side, fields of water on the other. skeletal trees, a vastness of ice, tangerine skies. the open places build sinister silhouettes against the whithering overhead (the clouded sun is a blankness). train-sitting is transitioning, we are learning lessons about distance. sunlight beads the frozen tracks & brings me forward (bend your body forward!). these days are slight reluctance, of languidity and tea. a gleaming shop has opened beneath mum's office tower, we go home with flowered ginger & ourselves.

hemingway's six word autobiography is: "for sale: baby shoes, never worn." apparently, it is his self-declared best work. there are more literary half-dozens here. this is my first draft: "daybreak: delicate timing, intricate trivials: twilight." tell me, tell me yours!

i am going to spend today exploring kensington market.

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