Saturday, October 27, 2007

music: how it feels, thomas dybdahl
mood: snippets
i want you to know that the truth is beautiful.

before sunset, the world becomes over-saturated with feeling & you have been absent from these dizzying places for so long. you sit listening to the far-off voices of your friends, watching birds weave against the last brilliance of day. nothing changes but everything, everything folds over & into itself. hey listen, i've known you ever since thirteen years old. there are maps & ruler-lined memories and a terrible, overwhelming neatness. and when we meet you cannot stop footsteps; i cannot bear to witness.

today, i filled the last page of my notebook.

1 comment:

adekeijzer said...

hey! i've been to those places.
love you so much julia, le us talk on phone soon. K?