Friday, September 7, 2007

daylight and the dreamer

music: we made this ourselves, essie jain
mood: joyous, joyous!

this day is my very favourite of all days for no reason but the constant and perfect unfolding of small things. the brewing storms of yesterday are gone, they are replaced by giddy delight for the intricacy of all things.

early morning uncommon grounds clatter & chatter, for hugs & a latte. shopping for books and scraps of japanese paper. soft hellos and hugs hello and backward glances on the streets. the beating of my heart necklace against my body as i walk the city. my quiet, unshared thinking in difficult classes. letters slipped into red postboxes, emails from professors & paris & a postcard from mum. the lingering taste of fresh passion fruit and blackcurrant tea. the potential of the hours still left to me.

tell me again i'm a character from your dusty dog-eared books. my world is another world, it's motion so charming, so fey.

1 comment:

Susannah said...

hello, my lovely book reading friend,

that picture could be mine, if I had thought of the concept first;) But I got it from the postsecret website. It's someone else's secret, and also, mine.