Monday, April 16, 2007

anais nin e(s)t un ananas.

sound: easy to fall, matthew barber (with jill barber)
sight: april bicycles with december sleigh-bells

for the first time in so long i feel grounded, planned, positive. you can ask me my future, you can ask and i will answer! there is a certainty of what's ahead and comfort in the unsuspected now expected.
florence is out but paris will always be in! we are going to have marché mouffetard breakfasts, spend our afternoons at museé jaquemart-andré, l'orangerie, watching toy sailboats go round and round and round in the fountains of les tuilleries. i'll wander the montparnasse cemetery, re-read baudelaire and 'a moveable feast' for location and finally finish the many journals of anais nin.
and then back to a new halifax home for elementary russian and may! i'm still waiting to hear back about the field botany class of july and have more interviews and possibilities for part-time jobs. but i will be in halifax (also in school) this summer and you should come visit!

this is my way from here to here. i am glad to have found it.


Michelle Wendy said...

did i mention how much i love you girls.

ps did you ever watch tele francais? something about the ananas and the french haha

j. said...

my original title was "un ananas, deux ananas, trois ananas".
grade one french immersion television programming, oh where have you gone?

Susannah said...

love the pineapple pictures. you girls are the cutest

adekeijzer said...

my sweet!
you are back in toronto monday! how exciting. I am done on tue so we should celebrate by waring skirts adn eating desserts!
i just talked with ms. fizz through skype. she says hello and i told her next time oyu are here we'd call her.
i have an exam tonihgt and then one more and i'm done. the weather here is finally warming up.
much love and good luck on your way home.