Sunday, March 11, 2007

memory of cassis, edna st. vincent millay

do you recall how we sat by the smokily-burning
twisted odourous trunk of the olive-tree,
in the inn on the cliff, and skinned the ripe green figs,
and heard the white sirocco driving in the sea?

the thunder and the smother there where like a ship's prow
the light-house breasted the wave? how wanly through the wild spray
under our peering eyes the eye of the light looked out,
disheveled, but without dismay?

do you recall the sweet-alyssum over the ledges
crawling and the tall heather and the mushrooms under the pines,
and the deep white dust of the broad road leading outward
to a world forgotten, between the dusty almonds and the dusty vines?

1 comment:

Murat said...


I'm searching for texts written about Cassis in order to publish an anthology. Would you mind to tell me the references of the delightfull poem you quote on your blog (title of the compilation and date)?
With my many thanks for your reply

Pierre Murat