song: don't leave your pets outside, casey mecija
and the honey-bee buzz of a propeller ride home, fingertips pressed against the moving glass. i am trying to still reflections & make clear (close as the sky) a blurred and hazing surface. the lights form linear constellations against the darkness of ground; christmas dots pool blue, green, red under lemon streetlamps. when we land at the island, i am suddenly afraid we will touch into the miniature snow-edged lake.
there is a charcoal realism specific to this place. salt-foam covers the windows of the bus to finch station and blurred pigeons droop by on passing wires. (slackening mouths, tired subway faces.) walking through the well-locked hallways of my highschool, i am untethered to the people in my still, familiar places. music, english, art and then home.
1 comment:
dearest julia,
i am sorry that my reply to your letter did not reach you before your christmas holidays, but you will have a home-made envelope full of surprises waiting for you when you return to your other home.
i hope you are enjoying the snow, the stomps, & your retreat.
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